Singing Guide: Serena Ryder

Singing Guide: Serena Ryder

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Serena Ryder is a Canadian singer and songwriter who has been praised for her powerhouse vocals. Many of her songs showcase her unique vocal technique, which is a combination of belting, growling, and vibrato.

To learn how to sing like Serena Ryder, it's important to focus on proper breath support and strengthening your vocal cords. Singing Carrots offers several articles and exercises that can help you with these aspects. The "Breath support" article explains the importance of breath control in singing, while the "Vocal distortion & Growling" article provides tips for how to safely add growling to your singing. The "Singing with Vibrato" article and the "Twang" video exercise can help you learn how to incorporate vibrato into your singing.

If you want to sing like Serena Ryder, it's important to study her unique vocal style. Some songs that showcase her vocals include "Stompa", "What I Wouldn't Do", and "Got Your Number".

To learn how to sing these songs effectively, check out Singing Carrots' "How to learn a song effectively" article. This article provides helpful tips for breaking down a song and learning it in sections. Additionally, the "Pitch accuracy test" can help you improve your pitch accuracy, while the "Pitch Training" tool provides interactive vocal warm-ups and exercises for range and agility.

To sing like Serena Ryder, focus on developing proper breath control, strengthening your vocal cords, and studying her vocal style in her unique songs. In addition to Singing Carrots' exercises and resources, consider working with a vocal coach to develop your skills further. With dedication and practice, you can achieve a vocal style similar to Serena Ryder's.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.